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5 Key Maintenance Emergency Strategies for Property Managers

Ethan Lieber
June 15, 2023
property managers

🚨 Attention, property managers! Brace yourselves for the unexpected! In the whirlwind world of property maintenance, emergencies strike without warning. But fear not! In this blog post, we’ll equip you with the knowledge you need to handle those hair-raising moments. Get ready to navigate through the uncharted waters of emergency maintenance like a seasoned captain!

As professional property managers, you know that emergencies in maintenance are inevitable. Whether it’s a burst pipe flooding an apartment or a power outage in the dead of winter, being prepared and having a solid plan is crucial. In this blog post, we’ll explore five key strategies you should consider when facing emergencies in maintenance. These strategies will help you respond effectively, minimize damage, and keep your owners and residents reassured:

  1. Assessing Potential Risks
  2. Establishing Communication Protocols
  3. Rapid Response and Prioritization:
  4. Coordinating with Contractors and Service Providers
  5. Maintaining Calm and Supporting Residents

The Importance of Preparation

When it comes to emergency maintenance, preparation is paramount. By having a well-thought-out plan in place, you can minimize chaos and handle crises with confidence. Consider the following conditions:

1. Assessing Potential Risks:

To effectively prepare for emergencies, you must identify potential risks within your properties. Conduct a thorough risk assessment to pinpoint vulnerable areas, such as aging infrastructure, electrical systems, or areas prone to natural disasters. By understanding the risks, you can prioritize preventative measures and allocate resources wisely.

2. Establishing Communication Protocols:

During emergencies, clear and efficient communication is vital. Establish communication protocols that outline who should be notified, how to escalate urgent situations, and how to keep all stakeholders informed. Implement a reliable communication system, such as a dedicated emergency hotline or a group messaging platform, to ensure seamless information flow during critical moments.

There are plenty of 24/7 maintenance call center options out there, and the best one depends on your personal goals and the goals of your business. Though, for most property managers and landlords, there are a few elements that are crucial to the business. Learn about them here.

Handling Emergencies Effectively

Now that we’ve covered the importance of preparation, let’s dive into the heart of handling emergencies effectively:

3. Rapid Response and Prioritization:

When an emergency occurs, swift action is necessary. Train your maintenance team to respond promptly and prioritize tasks based on urgency. Ensure they understand the chain of command, have access to essential tools and resources, and are prepared to make quick decisions. A well-coordinated response can help mitigate further damage and restore normalcy efficiently.

Understanding what qualifies as an emergency maintenance repair is essential in your business. Emergency repairs not treated as an emergency can lead to a costly pain later down the road, and at times expensive lawsuits. On the flip side, there are also many requests that come in as an emergency but can be de-escalated to a standard maintenance request.

4. Coordinating with Contractors and Service Providers:

In some emergencies, you may need to collaborate with external contractors or service providers. Build strong relationships with reliable professionals beforehand, ensuring they are available on short notice. Maintain a list of trusted contacts for various emergency scenarios, such as plumbers, electricians, or restoration companies. By establishing these partnerships, you can expedite the resolution process and minimize disruptions for your clients and residents.

Remembering which vendor to send to each property is hard. If you’re using Latchel to coordinate your maintenance, you can always keep a record of your preferred service providers for each property. Latchel lets you configure dispatching rules to get service appointments booked at lightning speed.

Maintaining Calm and Supporting Residents

5. Maintaining Calm and Supporting Residents:

During emergencies, it’s essential to provide support and reassurance to the residents affected by the situation. Train your staff to handle stressful situations with empathy and professionalism. Create a clear protocol for communicating with residents during emergencies, ensuring they receive timely updates and guidance on safety measures. By maintaining a calm and empathetic approach, you can help alleviate anxiety and build trust with your residents.

Whether it’s routine or an emergency, Latchel assures 60 second response times to all your tenants 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Latchel’s team is always standing by to resolve any resident problems. We also offer proactive video troubleshooting to help resolve problems on the spot, so tenants can live comfortably without waiting for help.

Complying with State Regulations 

Bonus: Complying with State Regulations:

In addition to the previously mentioned strategies, it is crucial for property managers to comply with State regulations that safeguard residents’ rights when facing a maintenance emergency. Familiarize yourself with the specific laws and regulations governing rental properties in your state. This includes understanding requirements for habitability, fair housing, tenant privacy, eviction processes, and more. By adhering to these regulations, you not only protect the rights and well-being of your residents but also mitigate legal risks for your clients.

Now, let’s review some of the do’s and don’ts we covered above:


  • Do communicate regularly and transparently with residents, keeping them informed about the status of the emergency and the steps being taken to resolve it.
  • Do provide temporary accommodations or alternative solutions for residents affected by an emergency, ensuring their immediate needs are met.
  • Do conduct post-emergency evaluations to identify areas for improvement and incorporate lessons learned into your emergency response plan.


  • Don’t neglect the emotional impact of emergencies on residents. Offer counseling services or resources to help them cope with the aftermath of the situation.
  • Don’t overlook the importance of debriefing sessions with your staff after each emergency. Discuss what worked well and identify areas for improvement to enhance future response efforts.
  • Don’t forget to document all emergency incidents, actions taken, and resident communications for future reference and legal purposes.

By assessing potential risks, establishing communication protocols, responding rapidly, coordinating with contractors, maintaining calm, and supporting residents, you are well-prepared to handle unexpected challenges. Additionally, by staying knowledgeable about and complying with state regulations, you protect the rights of your residents and maintain a legally sound operation.

Remember, ongoing education, open communication, and a proactive approach are the foundations of successful property management in emergency situations. Embrace these strategies and continue to refine your emergency response plans to provide exceptional service, build strong relationships, and ensure the safety and satisfaction of your clients and residents.

If you are interested in mapping a plan and a solid operational flow for emergency maintenance issues, download this guide packed with actionable steps to master your emergency maintenance operations.

At Latchel, we believe that you cannot get better by staying the same- so we want to revolutionize property maintenance coordination. To learn how Latchel can help you master your maintenance emergency operations, schedule a free consultation here.

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Unlock the Potential of Digital Insurance
Launch a tailored renter's insurance program

Sure provides tailored renter’s insurance that enables property managers, owners, and residents to protect their property, minimize risk, and experience the peace of mind that comes with the protection of your assets and business.

Most leases require renters insurance. So, we’ve partnered with Sure to provide that option for your residents. While residents aren’t required to use Sure to meet the renter’s insurance requirement, this is still a convenient option you can offer to your tenants. 

All services and products are provided by Sure, not Latchel subject to Sure’s terms and conditions.

Property Inspection Platform
Automate and Organize Inspections with RentCheck

Make Inspections Easier
RentCheck saves time by enabling residents to complete inspections on their own. Customization and automation ensure the job gets done.


Stop Wasting Time
Schedule inspections for all stages of the lease cycle at any cadence you choose. RentCheck handles the reminders.


Instantly Submit Work Orders
Take advantage of Latchel's integration with RentCheck to instantly submit a work order for any maintenance issues that pop up on an inspection.


Modernize Your Process
Easily compare new and existing inspection reports, side-by-side, and avoid security deposit disputes.


Prompt Routine Filter Changes and Resident Tasks
Schedule resident reminders to replace filters and other upkeep tasks over the course of the lease lifecycle.

To learn more about RentCheck, talk with a Latchel benefits expert today. All services and products are provided by RentCheck, not Latchel, and subject to RentCheck’s terms and conditions.

Affordable Pest Control

Access world class pest control for a fraction of the normal price. No need for new software or a complicated setup.


Easy Pest Control
Residents simply reach out to Cover Pest if there is a pest issue, and Cover Pest takes it from there.


Clarity on Who Pays the Bill
No more awkward conversations about who is responsible for the bill! With Cover Pest as a resident benefit, residents get pest control for covered pests without an additional cost.


Vendor Sourcing
No more sourcing for vendors! Cover Pest will source and coordinate with vendors for each pest control request

To learn more about Cover Pest, talk to a Latchel benefits specialist today.  All services and products are provided by Cover Pest, not Latchel, and subject to Cover Pest’s terms and conditions.

Air Filter Delivery Subscription

FilterTime is an air filter delivery service that makes it easy and convenient for residents to replace their air filters. FilterTime customers can protect their HVAC system, reduce dust and pollen, save money on energy costs, and more by leveraging this delivery service.


Reduce Labor for HVAC Issues
Filter delivery service results in a 38% reduction of total HVAC ticket requests.


Cost Savings on HVAC Repairs
Average HVAC repair costs have increased by 48.7% year over year. an air filter delivery subscription can cut costs up to $250-300 per property per year.


Energy Reduction
Filter delivery is saving residents $14.82 per month in energy costs.

How it works:

Choose from almost every size and type of air filter including custom-made sizes

Choose how often you want your filters delivered


 A box of brand new air filters delivered to your resident’s front door

To learn more about FilterTime, talk with a Latchel benefits specialist today. All services and products are provided by FilterTime, not Latchel subject to FilterTime’s terms and conditions.

Boost resident satisfaction and drive good resident behavior through a rewards, incentives, and credit building program

Drive On-Time Rent Payments
Piñata rewards renters for on-time rent payments through Piñata cash, and boosts renter's credit scores for online payments.


Boost Resident Satisfaction
$30 gift card to use at select brands and businesses, $25 restaurant card, 720 annual Piñata Cash to use on rewards, Early lease renewal gift.


Attract and Retain Renters
2 out of 3 renters prefer properties with rent reporting. Plus, residents get incentives for early lease renewals.


Rewards Residents Love
Residents can use Piñata Cash on brands they know and love, such as: Starbucks, Amazon, Sephora, Lego, Target, Walmart, Home Depot, Lowes, Doordash, Best Buy, and many more!

Piñata Cash

Residents easily earn Piñata Cash any day of the month by doing things like taking surveys, referring friends, or trying out new products.

Residents also get access to big-ticket giveaways, limited drops and super surges!

And, with exclusive access to our marketplace with over 300,000 deals, residents can squirrel away up to $4,500 annually.

To learn more about Piñata, talk with a member of our benefits team today. All services and products are provided by Piñata, not Latchel subject to Piñata’s terms and conditions.

Master Liability Insurance

Now you have one less thing to worry about with a Master Liability Policy through Obie.


Affordable Coverage
Affordable policies available with liability coverage starting at $100,000 and up to $300,000 to meet any property manager insurance requirements.


Stay 100% Compliant
Master policy provides $100,000 for management companies and owners by ensuring 100% of occupied homes and units are covered for property damage liability issues relating to resident negligence.


Peace of Mind
Liability coverages include perils such as fire, smoke, water, explosion, overflow of sewer, and many others that provide coverage for damages you (the resident) may cause to your unit or home


Personal Liability
Personal liability coverage is automatically include to protect you against claims where you may be considered legally liable. (Bodily injury claims, dog bite claims, and more)


Additional Coverages
Additional/expanded coverages are also available. (Pet damage, identity fraud, theft/vandalism, and more are available!)

All services and products are provided through Obie and are subject to Obie’s terms and conditions.

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